Unprecedented change has become our new normal. We face shifting economies, social change, and threats to our very existence. The remote workforce seems here to stay. Technology has enabled—or invaded—every aspect of our daily lives. For organizations, constant change is now business as usual.

If change is everywhere, all the time, why do we still have so much trouble adopting new ways of working?

Research tells us that most change initiatives fail.

How could this be? Is change adoption the Achilles heel of progress? Why is change so hard, even when it is clearly necessary?

When change is on the horizon, employees often experience cognitive and emotional reactions that leave them feeling insecure, uncertain, and even fearful of what is to come (Dufrene & Lehman, 2014). These emotions cause people to resist the change.

Based on research and personal experience, I believe that our change challenges have a common factor—lack of effective communication.

If change is our new reality, leaders must embed communication excellence throughout the organization.


Marshak, R. J. (2014). Organization development as an evolving field of practice. In C. G. Worley., A. McCloskey., & M. Brazzel. (Eds.). The NTL Handbook of Organization Development and Change: Principles, Practices, and Perspectives (pp. 3–24). San Francisco: Wiley.”